DMF Autumn/Winter Webinar 2021

Organised and hosted by the Devon Maritime Forum

Charting a Course to Marine Net-Zero

  • Date: Wednesday 8th December 2021
  • Time: 09.30am – 12.30pm
  • Place: On-line (Zoom)
  • Number of tickets available: 50
  • Watch a Recording of the Webinar

So that was COP 26. You’ll have made your own assessments of what was achieved and what wasn’t, and whether November 2021 will be remembered as a pivotal moment in the fight against climate change or just another round of the usual blah blah blah. A quick (entirely non-systematic) survey of post-match commentary and analysis reveals a somewhat mixed picture – as you’d expect. Some have been able to find signs of real progress and promise, but for many the primary legacy of COP 26 seems to be the usual feelings of disappointment, frustration, and anger. See you next year at COP 27 for more of the same?

In the meantime of course much of the ‘real work’, as someone suggested, continues outside of these international gatherings. As governments waver, many argue that it’s the ambition and action of civil society in partnership with the forward-thinking elements of the commercial sector that’s really leading the charge to net-zero. But is that the case for our sector (marine/maritime) in our county/region? What are we doing and what should we be doing to both reduce our GHG emissions and increase are blue carbon stocks? What does the course to marine net-zero look like for us here in the south-west?

In the wake of COP 26, and following on from last year’s webinar, the DMF autumn/winter webinar 2021 returned once again to the theme of Blue Carbon and marine net-zero. This time, however, we took a broader perspective to look not just at how marine environments can sequester and store carbon but how the maritime sector (broadly conceived) can transition away from its fossil fuel dependency. In Session I, we focused on efforts to reduce and mitigate GHG emissions, and heard about progress and the latest developments in the energy (marine renewables), transport (electric and alternative marine propulsion), and fisheries sectors. In Session II, we turned our attention to protecting and increasing our blue carbon stocks, and, in this rapidly developing field, heard about the very latest blue carbon science, policy and practice with reference to seabed sediments, saltmarsh, and kelp.

Programme Summary

  • 09.30: Welcome/House Keeping  + Introduction – Dr. Steve Guilbert + Prof. Ed Maltby (DMF Chair)

Session I – Reducing Emissions

  • 09.40: Marine Renewables: Offshore Wind – Adam Pharaoh (Royal HaskoningDHV)
  • 10.00: Electric and Alternative Marine Propulsion Systems – Prof. Chris Smith (Centre for Future Clean Mobility, UoE)
  • 10.20: Shifting Gears: achieving climate-smart fisheries – Dr. Andrew Johnson (MarFishEco)
  • 10.40: Q + A and Discussion 1 – Chair/Speakers/Delegates

Session II – Increasing Sequestration

  • 11.10: BLUE Carbon – Daniel Crockett (Blue Marine Foundation)
  • 11.30: Sussex Kelp Restoration Project – Sally Ashby (Sussex Wildlife Trust)
  • 11.50: Saltmarsh Creation/Restoration: The PACCo Project – Kendal Archer (Clinton Devon Estates)
  • 12.10: Q + A and Discussion 1 – Chair/Speakers/Delegates
  • 12.30: Closing Remarks – Prof. Ed Maltby (DMF Chair)

See the Full Programme

Watch a Recording of the Webinar