DMF Seagull Webinar 2022

Continuing its series of on-line events, the DMF in partnership with the Devon Local Nature Partnership  will be organising and hosting a ‘Seagull’ themed webinar.  As per previous events these FREE, on-line, bite-sized seminars pack a lot into their 60+ minutes, and will be a mixture of short presentations, Q+A, and discussion.  Further details below.

DMF/LNP Seagull Webinar

  • Date: Thursday 21st July 2022
  • Time: 19.00pm – 20.15pm (1hr 15mins)
  • Place: On-line (Zoom)
  • Number of tickets available: 35

You may have one nesting on your roof, you’ve probably had one pinch your pasty or swoop and steal your chips.  Love them or hate them there is no denying that seagulls (and in this neck of woods we’re most likely talking about herring gulls) are an integral part of the soundscape and experience of the British seaside.

But seagulls are in a bit of trouble.  It may not seem like it, but numbers of herring gulls have decreased dramatically over recent decades and with continued overfishing, a worsening climate crisis, and now bird flu, pressures on national herring gull populations look set to increase further.  On top of these considerable challenges seagulls also have a serious PR problem.  A quick google of recent seagull related news stories, for example, reveals them to be chihuahua snatching, postman attacking, toxic poo spreading pests.

Seagulls may well be all those things but they are also graceful, intelligent and extremely adaptable.  So with a view to pushing back in a small way on the largely negative narrative, the DMF and the Devon LNP are organising a short seagull seminar.  Join us, and three fantastic speakers for an hour or so on the evening of 21st July for an opportunity to learn more about, discuss, and perhaps even quietly celebrate these often maligned and misunderstood birds.


The webinar will follow the familiar DMF format with three presentations followed by 20 minutes or so of questions, comments and discussion.

Timing Programme Item Speaker
19.00 Welcome and Introduction Steve Guilbert (DMF/LNP)
19.05 Seagulls: An Overview Tony Whitehead (RSPB)
19.20 Herring Gull Behaviour and Cognition Dr. Madeleine Goumas (University of Exeter)
19.35 Seagulls: A Celebration Jenny Steer (Photographer)
19.50 -20.15 Facilitated Q+A / Discussion Steve Guilbert/Attendees


To register for this FREE event please visit: